Research and Development
Generation of novel ideas and synthesis of new bioactive molecules.
Cost-effective production of Research/ Specialty chemicals by highly capable technical and research manpower base.
Commitment to quality, reliability, and punctuality.
Experience and proven record in custom & contract synthesis, with a special thrust on heterocyclic molecules.
Laboratory facilities with accomplished scientists supported by the broad-based advisory committee.
Innovative design and supply of compounds matching the present-day need of pharmaceutical, agrochemical, and other allied industries.
Development of technologies for rare and critical molecules from mg to kg level.
Synthesis of intermediates in semi-bulk quantities, 5 kg to 200 kg.
Products involving low-temperature reactions up to –70 °C.
Building blocks in 1 gm to 100 gm quantities as scaffoldings for combinatorial chemistry.
Service and supply under a secrecy agreement.
Reliable and timely services to develop long-term business associations.
Our mission
Strive to be a fully integrated specialty, an innovation-driven global pharmaceutical company in the Research, development, manufacturing, and marketing of Quality affordable medicines for needy patients.
Our vision
To be a fully integrated specialty, an innovation-driven global healthcare provider with high technology and an innovative product pipeline, collaborating and committed to a Healthier Tomorrow